Gene Expression: GRIK1

Gene Data

  • Gene Symbol: GRIK1
  • Gene ID: 2897
  • Synonyms: EAA3, EEA3, GLR5, GLUR5, GluK1
  • Description: glutamate receptor, ionotropic, kainate 1
  • Database Refs: HGNC:4579, MIM:138245, Ensembl:ENSG00000171189, HPRD:00693, Vega:OTTHUMG00000078879
  • Links: Allen Brain Atlas,NCBI, GeneCards
Splicing Dynamics: DEXseq identifies changes in 1 out of 19 exons in this gene. (More about DEXSeq here)

Cluster Associations

This gene is associated with the following clusters:

Disease Associations

This gene is associated with the following diseases. Clicking on the disease will take you to the disease association entry for that disease.

This gene is associated with 93 diseases, scroll to view all:
  1. Absence epilepsy
  2. Alcohol withdrawal delirium
  3. alcohol-induced mental disease
  4. Alzheimer's disease
  5. Amnestic disease
  6. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  7. Anterior horn cell disease
  8. Anterograde amnesia
  9. Autism
  10. Autism spectrum disease
  11. Bacterial infectious disease
  12. Basal ganglia disease
  13. Brain disease
  14. Brain hypoxia-Ischemia
  15. Brain ischemia
  16. Cardiovascular system disease
  17. Central nervous system disease
  18. Central nervous system hereditary degene
  19. Cerebral artery occlusion
  20. Cerebrovascular accident
  21. Cerebrovascular disease
  22. Cholera
  23. Cognitive disease
  24. Congenital stationary night blindness
  25. Dementia
  26. Developmental disease of mental health
  27. Disease
  28. Disease by infectious agent
  29. Disease of anatomical entity
  30. Disease of mental health
  31. Disease of metabolism
  32. Drug dependence
  33. Encephalitis
  34. Encephalomalacia
  35. Epidural neoplasm
  36. Epilepsia partialis continua
  37. Epilepsy
  38. Eye and adnexa disease
  39. Eye disease
  40. Fragile X syndrome
  41. Gastrointestinal system disease
  42. Generalized convulsive epilepsy
  43. Generalized epilepsy
  44. Genetic disease
  45. Glaucoma
  46. Globe disease
  47. Grand mal status epilepticus
  48. Hepatic encephalopathy
  49. Huntington's disease
  50. Hypoglycemia
  51. Intellectual disability
  52. Intractable epilepsy
  53. Ischemia
  54. Juvenile absence epilepsy
  55. Migraine
  56. Monogenic disease
  57. Morphine dependence
  58. Motor neuron disease
  59. Muscle tissue disease
  60. Muscular disease
  61. Musculoskeletal system disease
  62. Myopathy
  63. Nervous system disease
  64. Neurodegenerative disease
  65. Neuromuscular disease
  66. Neuropathy
  67. Night blindness
  68. Occlusion precerebral artery
  69. Olivopontocerebellar atrophy
  70. Opiate addiction
  71. Organic psychosis
  72. Parkinson's disease
  73. Partial epilepsy
  74. Periventricular leukomalacia
  75. Pervasive developmental disease
  76. Primary bacterial infectious disease
  77. Psychotic disease
  78. Retinal degeneration
  79. Retinal disease
  80. Retinal ischemia
  81. Retrograde amnesia
  82. Schizophrenia
  83. Sensory system disease
  84. Specific developmental disease
  85. Status epilepticus
  86. Substance abuse
  87. Substance dependence
  88. substance-related disease
  89. Tauopathy
  90. Tetanus
  91. tonic-clonic epilepsy
  92. Toxic encephalopathy
  93. Vascular disease

Stage Associations

This gene is associated with the following stages: