Gene Expression: LYZ

Gene Data

  • Gene Symbol: LYZ
  • Gene ID: 4069
  • Synonyms: LZM
  • Description: lysozyme
  • Database Refs: HGNC:6740, MIM:153450, Ensembl:ENSG00000090382, HPRD:01085, Vega:OTTHUMG00000169342
  • Links: Allen Brain Atlas,NCBI, GeneCards
Splicing Dynamics: DEXseq identifies changes in 2 out of 4 exons in this gene. (More about DEXSeq here)

Cluster Associations

This gene is associated with the following clusters: No Clusters were found

Disease Associations

This gene is associated with the following diseases. Clicking on the disease will take you to the disease association entry for that disease.

This gene is associated with 235 diseases, scroll to view all:
  1. Acute leukemia
  2. Acute monocytic leukemia
  3. Acute myeloid leukemia
  4. Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis
  5. Adenocarcinoma
  6. Adenoma
  7. Adult xanthogranuloma
  8. Agranulocytosis
  9. Aleukemic leukemia
  10. Allergic rhinitis
  11. Amyloidosis
  12. Anemia
  13. Apocrine sweat gland neoplasm
  14. Arthritis
  15. Auditory system disease
  16. Bacterial infectious disease
  17. Bacterial meningitis
  18. Bacteriuria
  19. Benign neoplasm
  20. Blepharitis
  21. Blood coagulation disease
  22. Bone disease
  23. Bone giant cell tumor
  24. Bone inflammation disease
  25. Bone marrow cancer
  26. Bone marrow disease
  27. Breast disease
  28. Bronchial disease
  29. Bronchitis
  30. Brucellosis
  31. Cancer
  32. Carbohydrate metabolism disease
  33. Carcinoma
  34. Cardiac sarcoidosis
  35. Cardiovascular system disease
  36. Cell type cancer
  37. Central nervous system disease
  38. Cerebral sarcoidosis
  39. Cholecystitis
  40. Chondroblastoma
  41. Choroiditis
  42. Chronic kidney failure
  43. Chronic monocytic leukemia
  44. Chronic pyelonephritis
  45. Conjunctival disease
  46. Conjunctivitis
  47. Connective tissue disease
  48. Connective tissue neoplasm
  49. Crescentic glomerulonephritis
  50. Crohn's disease
  51. Cutaneous fibrous histiocytoma
  52. Cutaneous solitary mastocytoma
  53. Cystic fibrosis
  54. Dental caries
  55. Dermatitis
  56. Dermatofibrosarcoma
  57. Dermis tumor
  58. Diabetes mellitus
  59. Diarrhea
  60. Diffuse glomerulonephritis
  61. Disease
  62. Disease by infectious agent
  63. Disease of anatomical entity
  64. Disease of cellular proliferation
  65. Disease of metabolism
  66. Dry eye syndrome
  67. Dysentery
  68. Egg allergy
  69. End stage renal failure
  70. Endocrine pancreas disease
  71. Endocrine system disease
  72. Epulis
  73. Erysipelas
  74. Erysipeloid
  75. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
  76. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
  77. Eye and adnexa disease
  78. Eye disease
  79. Eyelid disease
  80. Familial Mediterranean fever
  81. Familial visceral amyloidosis
  82. farmer's lung
  83. Fibrosarcoma
  84. Fibrous histiocytoma
  85. Fibrous tissue neoplasm
  86. Food allergy
  87. Fungal infectious disease
  88. Gastrointestinal system disease
  89. Genetic disease
  90. Giant cell tumor
  91. Gingival disease
  92. Gingivitis
  93. Globe disease
  94. Glomerulonephritis
  95. Glucose metabolism disease
  96. Granular cell tumor
  97. Granuloma annulare
  98. Hematologic cancer
  99. Hematopoietic system disease
  100. Hemorrhagic disease
  101. Hepatitis
  102. Hepatobiliary disease
  103. Histiocytoma
  104. Histiocytosis
  105. Hypersensitivity reaction disease
  106. Hypersensitivity reaction type I disease
  107. Hypersensitivity reaction type II diseas
  108. Hypersensitivity reaction type IV diseas
  109. Hypertension
  110. IgA glomerulonephritis
  111. Immune system cancer
  112. Immune system disease
  113. Inflammatory bowel disease
  114. Integumentary system disease
  115. Interstitial lung disease
  116. Interstitial nephritis
  117. Intestinal disease
  118. Intestinal infectious disease
  119. Juvenile xanthogranuloma
  120. Keratoconjunctivitis
  121. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
  122. Kidney disease
  123. Kidney failure
  124. Lacrimal apparatus disease
  125. Langerhans-cell histiocytosis
  126. Lepromatous leprosy
  127. Leprosy
  128. Lethal midline granuloma
  129. Letterer-Siwe disease
  130. Leukemia
  131. Leukocyte disease
  132. Leukopenia
  133. Liver disease
  134. Lower respiratory tract disease
  135. Lung disease
  136. Lupus erythematosus
  137. Lymph node disease
  138. Lymphadenitis
  139. Lymphatic system cancer
  140. Lymphatic system disease
  141. Lymphoma
  142. Lymphoproliferative disease
  143. Malignant fibroxanthoma
  144. Malignant giant cell tumor of soft parts
  145. Malignant histiocytosis
  146. Mastitis
  147. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
  148. Membranous glomerulonephritis
  149. Meningitis
  150. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephrit
  151. Mesenchymal cell neoplasm
  152. Middle ear disease
  153. Monocytic leukemia
  154. Monogenic disease
  155. Mouth disease
  156. Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
  157. Multiple myeloma
  158. Musculoskeletal system disease
  159. Myeloid leukemia
  160. Myeloid sarcoma
  161. Myeloma
  162. Nasal cavity disease
  163. Nephritis
  164. Nephrosclerosis
  165. Nephrosis
  166. Nephrotic syndrome
  167. Nervous system disease
  168. non-langerhans-cell histiocytosis
  169. Nose disease
  170. Obstructive lung disease
  171. Organ system cancer
  172. Otitis media
  173. Pancreas disease
  174. Pancytopenia
  175. Paranasal sinus disease
  176. Periodontal disease
  177. Periodontitis
  178. Peripheral nervous system disease
  179. Pleural disease
  180. Pneumonia
  181. Primary bacterial infectious disease
  182. Proteinuria
  183. Pulmonary sarcoidosis
  184. Pulmonary tuberculosis
  185. Pyelitis
  186. Pyelonephritis
  187. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
  188. REM sleep behavior disease
  189. Renal hypertension
  190. Renal vascular disease
  191. Reproductive system disease
  192. Respiratory system disease
  193. Reticulohistiocytic granuloma
  194. Reticulosarcoma
  195. Rheumatoid arthritis
  196. Rhinitis
  197. Salivary gland disease
  198. Sarcoidosis
  199. Sarcoma
  200. Secondary hypertension
  201. Sensory system disease
  202. Sinusitis
  203. Sjogren's syndrome
  204. Skin and subcutaneous tissue disease
  205. Skin disease
  206. Skin neoplasm
  207. Soft tissue cancer
  208. Soft tissue disease
  209. Stomatitis
  210. Suppurative otitis media
  211. Sweat gland neoplasm
  212. Syndrome
  213. Syringocystadenoma papilliferum
  214. Systemic mycosis
  215. Teeth hard tissue disease
  216. Tetanus
  217. Tissue disease
  218. Tonsillitis
  219. Tooth disease
  220. Transthyretin amyloidosis
  221. Tuberculosis
  222. Tuberculous empyema
  223. Ulcerative blepharitis
  224. Ulcerative colitis
  225. Upper respiratory tract disease
  226. Urinary system disease
  227. Urinary tract disease
  228. Uveal disease
  229. Uveitis
  230. Vascular disease
  231. Vasculitis
  232. Verruciform xanthoma of skin
  233. Viral hepatitis
  234. Viral infectious disease
  235. Viral meningitis

Stage Associations

This gene is associated with the following stages: No Stages were found